A Ray of Sunshine

Hope makes today’s writer, and others like her, refuse to give up on the challenges of the world.

A Ray of Sunshine

Hope makes today’s writer, and others like her, refuse to give up on the challenges of the world.

Jacqueline Gufford

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Biking through my city’s streets, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the need that confronts me. The effects of housing and food insecurity, an enormous cost of living, lack of access to mental health resources and a quality public education are plain to see. It’s easy to feel defeated by the scope of these problems. I’ve often told myself that a single person or even organization can’t solve the situation, that it’s beyond our capacity. But sometimes, when we focus on what can’t be accomplished, we feel paralyzed to do anything at all, even when the little bit we can do may change someone’s day. So, after a long delay, I finally searched for volunteer opportunities. I settled on a local soup kitchen called CHiPS.

It’s easy to feel defeated by the scope of these problems.

During my first shift, I didn’t know what to expect. I arrived and found a fearless volunteer coordinator directing everyone in the complex dance of tasks required to prepare healthy, low-cost food on an industrial scale. Together with a troupe of volunteers and staff, I chopped, cooked, plated, bagged and distributed food. At the end of it, I was physically exhausted but my spirit felt lighter. I was in awe of the people who showed up to do this regularly, taking their time to help others. It warmed my heart to see clients receive their food smiling. I’m now a regular volunteer at CHiPs, doing a bi-weekly shift as often as possible. I’m under no illusions. I still know that, no matter how heroic and wonderful, CHiPS won’t ‘fix’ food insecurity in New York. On occasion, I’ve even wondered if volunteering just makes me feel better. But when I’m in doubt, I reflect on the fact that every day, the staff and volunteers at CHiPS show up to recognize the dignity and humanity of each person they serve. Then, I try to call to mind all the charities in the city. Of course, they’re so numerous that I can’t actually count them. But I can feel the scale of it, like a thin ray of sunshine that steadily grows and grows. I can imagine the hum of collaboration, empathy and selfless love. When I do, I feel hope. Hope that although there is immense need all around me, there is also goodness and giving being done too. Hope that in the face of big, unwieldy challenges, so many people refuse to give up. Donate to CHiPs: HERE