About the Cultivator

Loyal and dependable, Cultivators are a solid friend and companion in life.

About the Cultivator

Loyal and dependable, Cultivators are a solid friend and companion in life.

The Cultivator strives to nurture deep and long-lasting relationships. You are loyal and reliable, taking time to see and respond to the needs of your loved ones in practical ways. You spend time on valued relationships rather than seeking out new and shiny people to occupy your time. You are a good listener who treats the words of your loved ones with true consideration. You are seen by others as a steadfast and committed friend who cares deeply about those you love.

You may struggle, however, to put words to your own feelings or make new connections. You may fear saying the wrong thing or offering help your loved ones don’t need. Stepping outside of your comfort zone may cause some anxiety or trepidation. When facing new situations, you may focus on the potential negative, rather than the potential positive outcomes.

The Cultivator’s loyalty and care ensure they will be a valued old friend, a favored relative and a committed romantic companion.