Adult Friendship

On the magic of adult friendship

Adult Friendship

On the magic of adult friendship.

Katie McVay

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I love making friends as an adult. It is one of my favorite things to do. The instant connection of a new best friend is just as magical as the slow build from acquaintanceship to friendship. However you slice it, I love the process of finding people with whom I “click.” One of my top friendship coups this year was creating a foursome who now get a meal once a month. It started across the country, in New York. In 2017, I met a man named Kevin one time. He seemed nice. We had a brief moment of small talk. Two years later, we both migrated across the country to Los Angeles. I ran into him nearby my home and, for reasons I don’t quite remember, we exchanged phone numbers. This year, I bumped into an old college classmate, Ellington. We were not friends in college but this did not stop either of us from, inexplicably, exchanging numbers. She told me she also knew Kevin.

The instant connection of a new best friend is just as magical as the slow build from acquaintanceship to friendship.

I knew what I had to do. I texted Kevin. I texted Ellington. I made a date for us to all get drinks near our homes. Hours into chatting and laughing, we all agreed it was strange I had called. I barely knew them! They barely knew me! But it didn’t matter. We were having a great time. We’ve gotten a meal once a month ever since. We even added another friend to the group. And that’s the magic of adult friendship. If you're willing to take out the calendar, people are usually willing to show up.