Do the Hard Thing

What holds us back, and drives us forward, is our fear.

Do the Hard Thing

What holds us back, and drives us forward, is our fear.

Britt Julious

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Feel the fear, and do it anyway. This can apply to a lot of things, from hobbies to jobs to love. Inherent in living a rich life as you get older is your ability to embrace fear. Embrace challenges. Do one thing (or many things) quite terribly for the excitement of doing them for the first time, and keep doing them anyway. Know that things will be rough and awkward. Know that you will fail. Know that you will fail again. And likely a few more times, too. Know that that is okay. Know that your worth is not driven by your successes or your talents, but by your very real existence. Accomplishments do not beget value. By simply being here, you are worthy.

Know that you will fail. Know that you will fail again. And likely a few more times, too.

Take a slight pivot in your life. Start small. What is one thing you can push yourself to say or do that you did attempt the day before? Try it today, right now, in this very second. Sometimes, that action can be as small as a phone call or a text message. Reach out to the person you’ve “been meaning to catch up with” and haven’t. Connect with that friend you’ve “been meaning to check in on” and didn’t. Be vulnerable. Do the hard thing just once. And then do it again. You may be surprised by how life shifts.