How to Strengthen Your Friendships

Build connections with new and old acquaintances to grow lifelong friendships.

How to Strengthen Your Friendships

Build connections with new and old acquaintances.

Petruce Jean-Charles

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Building friendships may seem challenging, no matter the age. Although most of us had many opportunities as children to make friends in school or outside activities, in adulthood, you may feel discouraged due to the stressors (like work or family responsibilities) of everyday life.

Here, we’ll examine the importance of strong friendships and what you can do to strengthen your friendships with new and old friends alike.

What to do

A 2021 study from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that many adult friendships end due to issues of conflict and distance. As we get older, the nature of our friendships may also change due to diverging life paths.

Taking action is critical to improving your friendships. Reach out to mutual friends to learn additional ways to communicate with other loved ones. Ask questions that initiate personal conversations, like “What was the hardest time in your life?” or “What keeps you going everyday?” Then, share your own similar stories that show your vulnerability. This can create a solid bond.

You may also want to go through photos of fun events or vacations with your friend if you believe there is nothing to talk about. If you can’t see your friend in person, you can also reminisce through phone or video calls. Both are tools for quick catch-up conversations, which can strengthen a friendship. If you always check in, you show commitment to the person, positively impacting the relationship.

What to say

Even if you can’t share old memories, try to make new ones. Reach out to them when they have good news and make plans to hang out. Or, connect with them when you have a big life event. Who knows? That dinner may lead to a memorable moment for future conversations.

Grow a new bond by sharing a personal goal with them. Ask if they’d like to join you in it. The goal can be a factor that keeps you connected.

What not to do

Understand that each friendship is different. Don’t compare friendships. It is unfair to expect a person to act the same with you as they do with another friend. It takes time to secure a friendship with someone, so you should be willing to go on that ride with them.

Practice patience, especially when navigating differing viewpoints. They may have a different sense of humor or way of life. If they are a person you met at an event, you should be patient and inquire about their habits or tendencies. If they forget your birthday or forget to respond to a text, express how you feel and make plans to meet in person.


If you’re still unsure, remember these quick and simple tips:

Consider friendship challenges.

Show compassion and understanding.

Reminisce on old memories.

Be open to new adventures.

Don’t compare friendships.

Remember strengthening old friendships and building new ones takes time. What you once had in the past may not be the same, but you should make the effort to create new memories with that special someone. Take it one step at a time.