Mental Health Awareness Month

This awareness month aims to educate, reflect on and raise awareness for people with mental illness and their families.

Mental Health Awareness Month

This awareness month aims to educate, reflect on and raise awareness for people with mental illness and their families.

Katie McVay

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Nathaniel Glanzman

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Date: May

Names: Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health Month

This awareness month aims to educate, reflect on and raise awareness for people with mental illness and their families.


Clifford W. Beers, an author and advocate, published his autobiography A Mind That Found Itself in 1908. His book exposed the maltreatment of institutionalized mental health patients like himself. Along with the philosopher William James and the psychiatrist Adolph Meyer, Beers formed the National Committee for Mental Hygiene in 1909.

Now called Mental Health America, this organization is at the center of Mental Health Month. First launched as "Mental Health Week" in 1949, the event was dedicated to education about mental illness and mental health. As mental health issues gained greater recognition in the United States, Mental Health America advocated for policy changes and increased funding towards mental health services.


Mental Health Awareness Month is recognized by non-profits, schools and health foundations. During this month, people may engage in teach-ins or online awareness campaigns. Each year, the U.S. government marks Mental Health Awareness Month. State and federal departments hold educational events and symposiums. Any funding earmarked for government mental health services is typically announced during this time.

What to do

Read educational materials about mental health issues. Acquaint yourself with available mental health services in your area. Raise awareness or funds for mental health by participating in an online or live campaign.