Bealtaine Bealtaine, one of the most important Wiccan and Pagan holidays, celebrates fertility, the peak of spring and the start of summer.
Water Stress When this writer thought about the micro-stresses in their life, they learned many of them were things they enjoyed doing.
Customs Social Customs: Graduation Parties Celebrate your loved one’s years of hard work as they enter a new and exciting future.
Religion and Holidays Public Service Recognition Week Founded in 1985, this week recognizes federal, state, county, local and tribal government employees.
Career Holidays-Other National Hairstylist Appreciation Day Celebrate the hairstylists in your life who keep you looking your best.
Career Holidays-Health Physician Assistant's Day Send thanks to the physician assistants in your life during this annual holiday.
Religion and Holidays International Firefighters' Day Don a red and blue lapel ribbon and honor the sacrifices of firefighters around the globe.
Career Holidays-Admin and Office International Accounting Day This annual holiday celebrates those working in accounting and finance.
Religion and Holidays Human Resource Professional Day This day recognizes and celebrates HR professionals everywhere.
Career Holidays-Other Programmers Day Also known as the Day of the Programmer, this day is always held on the 256th day of the year (a number well-known by programmers).
Religion and Holidays Firefighter Appreciation Month Celebrate the firefighters in your life every September.
Religion and Holidays Engineers Week Also known as EWeek, this annual celebration aims to foster awareness of the future of the engineering workforce.
Career Holidays-Other National Custodial Workers Recognition Day Treat the custodians in your life today!
Career Holidays-Other Culinarians Day Celebrate the executive chefs, head cooks, sous chefs and chefs de cuisine in your life on this annual holiday.
Religion and Holidays EMS Week First authorized by President Gerald Ford, this week celebrates EMS practitioners around the nation.
Religion and Holidays National Pharmacist Day This annual holiday was created to honor pharmacists locally and nationally.
Career Holidays-Health Pediatric Nurses Week This annual week aims to celebrate and promote the vital work of pediatric nurses.
Religion and Holidays Dental Assistants Recognition Week Held annually during the first full week of March, this holiday celebrates dental assistants everywhere.
Religion and Holidays Peace Officers Memorial Day This annual holiday pays tribute to peace offers around the country who have died or been disabled in the line of duty.
Religion and Holidays National Correctional Workers Week Also known as Correctional Workers Week, this annual celebration of correctional officers takes place during the first full week of May.
Religion and Holidays National Physician's Assistant Week Formed by the American Academy of Physician Assistants in 1987, this annual week takes place from October 6-12 and celebrates physician assistants nationally.