Social Map: Cultivator to Organizer

Cultivators and Organizers need to navigate deep emotions to build a long-lasting connection.

Social Map: Cultivator to Organizer

Cultivators and Organizers need to navigate deep emotions to build a long-lasting connection.

Cultivators and Organizers are both loyal, dependable and consistent. They share many values, although they express them differently. How can these two come to a deeper understanding of one another?

In this Cultivator to Organizer social map, we’ll highlight the strengths and hurdles Cultivators may face in connecting with Organizers, as well as best practices for conversations and interactions.


Cultivators and Organizers share many of the same good qualities. They are loyal friends and the first ones to rely on in a crisis. Cultivators express their love via their presence and listening skills. Organizers show their love via their interest in practical matters. As long as they can understand one another, Cultivators and Organizers can build a strong connection.

Cultivators make good friends. Organizers can be rigid, and accepting Cultivators can meet them where they are. Cultivators, for example, won’t push Organizers to name and describe their deeper emotions, but will lend a non-judgmental ear if they do want to share.

Organizers, similarly, can be good friends to Cultivators. This friendship is the perfect opportunity for Organizers to make friend dates or plan get-togethers, things Cultivators may avoid doing. Organizers can use their strengths to better their relationship.

However, these two may run into trouble due to the different ways they communicate. What the Organizer wants to know (the nitty-gritty details of your life) may feel invasive to the rather private Cultivator. And both can be conflict-avoidant at times. Trouble can build and explode, rather than being talked out in a healthy manner. Rather than letting things build, discuss your honest feelings. Saying “I don’t feel like talking about that” is much better than grudgingly responding to questions you don’t feel comfortable answering.

Strengths and Hurdles

— Cultivators and Organizers have many shared values. They understand the need for long-lasting relationships and both want to stay in the lives of those they love.

— Cultivators and Organizers have complementary skills. The Cultivator’s ability to patiently listen will allow the Organizer to find the space to put a name to their feelings. And the Organizer’s action-oriented personality will mean these two always have a date on the books.

— Cultivators and Organizers may have trouble airing their issues before they reach a boiling point. Both will need to proactively discuss things, rather than letting them fester.

— Cultivators and Organizers are both good at caregiving and dealing with crises. When nothing is going wrong, it may be harder for them to connect. If they have a shared interest, that can be a bedrock for them during peaceful times.

What to Do

Be honest about your feelings.

Why it works: Cultivators are honest about their feelings, but they aren’t always proactive about expressing those feelings. To avoid friendship-ending conflicts, be proactive about talking things out. Your relationship can handle it.

Make time to do nothing.

Why it works: This is easier said than done for both the Organizer and the Cultivator. Make time to do activities together. Both the Cultivator and Organizer are comfortable in caretaking roles, able to jump into action when things go south. But to make a relationship work long-term, you need to be able to be there when nothing is wrong. Make sure to make time together that is just about being with one another.

What to Say

“This is how I feel.”

Why it works: Cultivators and Organizers aren’t always the best at putting words to their feelings. They have the ability to do so, but Cultivators and Organizers are both private. By revealing your deeper feelings, you create a space where both of you can talk honestly and openly.

“I really appreciate how you helped me.”

Why it works: Organizers often show their love through actions. They’ll drive you to the airport and take care of your plants when you are away. By expressing gratitude for these actions, Cultivators can show Organizers that they feel and appreciate the care they provide. Everyone likes being recognized for the care they show for others.


“How to Have a Heart-to-Heart”: Relationships grow deeper when you’re able to discuss the deeper moments.

“How to Have a Healthy Confrontation”: Conflict can be productive and doesn’t have to be painful.

“Love Languages: Words of Affirmation”: Being able to express your care for others via words will let them know how much they mean to you.