Social Map: Truth Teller to Organizer

These similar Connection Patterns can create strong bonds and big conflict.

Social Map: Truth Teller to Organizer

These similar Connection Patterns can create strong bonds and big conflict.

Truth Tellers and Organizers have a lot in common, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Both know who they are and what they value. How can these two come to a deeper understanding of one another?

In this Truth Teller to Organizer social map, we’ll highlight the strengths and hurdles Truth Tellers may face in connecting with Enthusiasts, as well as best practices for conversations and interactions.


Truth Tellers are clear on what they like and what they don’t. Organizers are much the same. Organizers and Truth Tellers share many of the same qualities. They’re driven, focused and can be stubborn. This shared rigidity has the potential to lead to trouble.

It is important that Truth Tellers and Organizers recognize the ways they show and share their love. Truth Tellers show their love through their honesty and loyalty. Organizers show their love through their practical skills. Recognizing these differing ways of communication is key to strengthening this connection.

These similarities can also be a strength, however. Both Truth Tellers and Organizers don’t deal in passive aggression, willing to confront things head on. And both are loyal, meaning they won’t dump a relationship at the first sign of trouble.

If both Truth Tellers and Organizers can take a step back and recognize their individual love languages, they’ll create a long-lasting relationship.

Strengths and Hurdles

— Truth Tellers and Organizers are both action-oriented. When they share an external focus, like a shared project, they’re powerful.

— Truth Tellers and Organizers don’t mind hashing things out. Neither one is going to hide behind passive aggression or conflict avoidance. They can (and will) clear the air if issues arise.

– Truth Tellers and Organizers are loyal friends and partners. They are committed to their relationships and are committed for the long haul.

— Truth Tellers will prioritize their own needs, which may result in last-minute cancellations. Organizers may feel frustrated by this when it happens. Organizers would avoid such actions, even at the expense of their own mental health.

— Truth Tellers and Organizers have a shared rigidity, although they manifest in different ways. When these two disagree, it may be hard for one to bend. Both need to embrace their empathy to make this relationship work.

What to Do

Share a focus.

Why it works: Truth Tellers and Organizers both prosper with purpose. By sharing a purpose in life or interest, you create a solid foundation from which you can build a long-lasting relationship.

Embrace empathy.

Why it works: Organizers and Truth Tellers both have trouble diving into the empathetic part of themselves, focused on what is “right.” Both will need to dig deep and find compassion, for themselves and each other, if they want to get through conflict.

What to Say

“Thanks so much for helping me with that project/organizing that event. I appreciate it.”

Why it works: Organizers want to be recognized for the ways they show their love. By acknowledging when they help you with something practical, you’re telling them you see the love they provide. You’re also letting them know how much that means to you.


“How to be More Empathetic”: Reaching out and keeping in touch is key to maintaining and deepening relationships.

“How to Navigate Differing Viewpoints”: Sometimes it is OK to agree to disagree.

“Love Languages: Acts of Service”: Communicating your love via actions can be just as powerful as using words.