Religion and Holidays World Religion Day World Religion Day was created by members of the Baháʼí faith to promote religious unity and emphasize the ways spiritual practice can be a unifying force globally.
Trauma What to Say: Intimate Partner Violence Intimate partner violence is widespread. Here’s how to help.
Religion and Holidays National Send a Card to a Friend Day The day is intended to inspire celebrants to send handwritten letters to loved ones.
Religion and Holidays Make a Friend Day Make a Friend Day encourages you to reach out and connect with a new pal.
Religion and Holidays National Donor Day National Donor Day is a day to support organ donors and spread awareness about donation, including organs, tissue, marrow, platelets and blood.
Religion and Holidays Do a Grouch a Favor Day Do a Grouch a Favor Day encourages you to give a pick me up to a grump.
Sexuality & Gender What To Say: Gender Affirmation How to talk about gender affirming surgery with your loved one
Religion and Holidays National Good Samaritan Day National Good Samaritan Day honors those who engage in kindness and encourages everyone to do the same.
Friendship Featured What to Say: Long-Distance Friendship Friendships can change and grow, even from afar.
Religion and Holidays-General Holidays Random Acts of Kindness Day Random Acts of Kindness Day began in New Zealand in 2005.
Religion and Holidays National High Five Day National High Five Day is a holiday dedicated to “good vibes” and high fives.
Religion and Holidays Say Something Nice Day Share a compliment, tell someone you're happy they are in your life and generally use your words for good on this day.
Religion and Holidays Martin Luther King Jr. Day Today honors the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, a Baptist minister and one of the leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States.
Religion and Holidays New Year's Eve During this yearly holiday, people gather around the world to count down the final moments of the year, culminating in a 12 a.m. celebration on January 1 (New Year’s Day).
Religion and Holidays Krishna Janmashtami This two-day Hindu festival celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth incarnation (or avatar) of the Hindu god Vishnu.
Friendship How to Make a Chosen Family Families can exist beyond blood relatives. We explain how to make yours.
Communication Featured How to Have a Healthy Confrontation Learn how to maintain relationships, even when in conflict.
Friendship How to Take the First Step Making new friends as an adult may be more difficult, but it's worth it.
Religion and Holidays World Gratitude Day World Gratitude Day is a day for people to reflect on what they are grateful for as well as acknowledge the importance of gratitude.
Religion and Holidays International Day of Happiness The International Day of Happiness is a day of advocacy, to encourage governments, economies and other power structures to value happiness.
Religion and Holidays Kwanzaa This annual holiday celebrates family and community by drawing on several Southern African first-fruits celebrations.