Love and Relationships What to Say: When You're Not Sure About Your Friend's Partner Help support a friend through relationship challenges.
Mental Health What to Say: Rehab Entering rehab may be an important step in a lifelong recovery journey.
Love and Relationships Love Languages: Acts of Service Sometimes, it's not what you say to someone you love that matters most, but what you do that assures them of your love.
A Ray of Sunshine Hope makes today’s writer, and others like her, refuse to give up on the challenges of the world.
Love and Relationships What to Say: Separation Support your loved one through the complex realities of this stage in a marriage
Life Changes What to Say: Loss of Money Learn about the common issue of financial hardship and the practical steps you can take to support those you love.
Communication What to Say: Friendship Miscommunication Avoid assumptions and learn about conversational styles to prevent miscommunication.
Communication How to Navigate Other People’s Life Changes Change is hard. Empathy and encouragement can ease the transition.
Religion and Holidays International Transgender Day of Visibility This annual acceptance holiday highlights the accomplishments and issues of trans and gender non-conforming people.
Religion and Holidays Orthodox Good Friday Holy (or Good) Friday is the Christian celebration of the death of Jesus Christ prior to his resurrection on Pascha or Easter.
Religion and Holidays Orthodox Christmas This Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is observed by Eastern Orthodox denominations who use the Julian calendar.
Grief What to Say: Loss of a Sibling Sibling loss comes with a unique grief experience that is often overlooked or misunderstood
Love and Relationships What to Say: New Relationships Here, we’ll look at the brain chemistry of love and explore the best way to meet a friend’s new significant other.
Religion and Holidays Christmas This Christian holiday, with a large secular presence, celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.
Religion and Holidays Good Friday This Christian holiday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, who followers believe was the son of God.
World Events What to Say: Natural Disasters How to support a loved one who has been involved in a natural disaster.
Communication How to Practice Patience Consciously developing greater patience for the people in our lives and the world around us isn’t as hard as you may think.
Communication How to Navigate Differing Viewpoints Not seeing eye-to-eye should not lead to unnecessary arguments
Career What to Say: Promotion Support your loved ones through the complicated journey of a new job title.
Communication How to Help a Loved One Seek Mental Health Support Talking to someone struggling with their mental health isn’t always easy, but you can help your friend get the best support for them.